We are always in pursuit of the greatest product we can create for our users. As we keep our eyes glued to the rapidly evolving frontier of cryptocurrency trading, we’re dedicated to keeping pace with the innovation, and will offer new features or functionality to Cryptosheet periodically. As a user of Cryptosheet, we’ll notify you of a new release when it comes out. You’ll be able to download it for free, and switching your portfolio data over will always be as simple as a copy and paste. In support of these initiatives, Cryptosheet requires an $8.00 per year activation code to use. We consider this nominal cost to be the most reasonable solution to both keeping Cryptosheet incredibly affordable while still providing compensation for our continued maintanance and development of the product.

When needed, the 1 year activation code can be purchased by visiting www.cryptosheet.net/activation or by following the link within Cryptosheet. The code is only entered once, and Cryptosheet remains activated for a year.

We appreciate the support as well as the helpful feeback we receive from our users!
